

Fetch the drug-interaction dataset

Constant features were removed.

Domain drug-protein interaction network
Features Biological (see [1])
output interaction network
Drug matrix (sample, features) = (1862, 660)
Newtork interaction matrix (samples, labels) = (1862, 1554)

data_home: optional, default: None :

Specify another download and cache folder for the data sets. By default all scikit learn data is stored in ‘~/scikit_learn_data’ subfolders.


data : Bunch

Dictionary-like object, the interesting attributes are: ‘data’, the data to learn, ‘target’, the classification labels, ‘target_names’, the original names of the target columns and ‘feature_names’, the original names of the dataset columns.


[R1]Yamanishi, Y., Pauwels, E., Saigo, H., & Stoven, V. (2011). Extracting sets of chemical substructures and protein domains governing drug-target interactions. Journal of chemical information and modeling, 51(5), 1183-1194.